Friday, April 9, 2010


I'm so long didn't come blogger to update my blog
actually i don't know want write what
had a lot things happened

I don't know how to express my feeling in blog
feel so strain of it
sometimes I not really understand why
so I just skip it
and ignore
whatever they thinking
I still will be myself
despite I still have a lots weaknesses

And if you don't understand me
but try don't misunderstand me
If you really do that,I also can't say anything
feel so disappointed
but what can I do?
I will accept the fact
even though I'm unhappy what your response
damn it!!

this is emo post
but not ever

I still live my life :D


Don't you think time are going too fast??
I feel 1 month just like 1 day pass
I'm getting older
when I was young,I feel I still have many times to play
thinking how to spend my YOUNGER life

I graduated from my secondary school got 4 YEARS!!
after few years,I gonna be 'auntie'
okay,I also need accept this fact

I'm starting study
sounds nice ya
but I still can't remember what i had read
what a good student?
yeah,I know I can't do well
But after think my RM1000+
I better study

Study lar
Study lar


Shu-Min said...

study la swen study! hehe gambate!

sWen said...

gambateh together!!hehe