Why I'm so bad luck huh?
Can You all think for student's side?
Should give student discount,right?
Student don't know earn money but You all still want bully students!!
I scare still have more summons send to my house
God bless me.
Forget to tell
Today I went St. Anne
Is Great right now!!
A lot of tourist team come around there captured
I also wanna snap
But I scare my mom rush to back home
We bought 2 of candles
And I pray hard.
After that, we go to touch Her legs
But the flowers dropped
Then the Indian lady gave me 3 flowers
& I touched the book
the flowers
I will keep it until they dry
I love You Cedric Kok!!
& I also got pray for You
Why I'm so bad luck huh?
Can You all think for student's side?
Should give student discount,right?
Student don't know earn money but You all still want bully students!!
I scare still have more summons send to my house
God bless me.
Forget to tell
Today I went St. Anne
Is Great right now!!
A lot of tourist team come around there captured
I also wanna snap
But I scare my mom rush to back home
We bought 2 of candles
And I pray hard.
After that, we go to touch Her legs
But the flowers dropped
Then the Indian lady gave me 3 flowers
& I touched the book
the flowers
I will keep it until they dry
I love You Cedric Kok!!
& I also got pray for You